Showing posts with label i am sleepy relaxation beverage shot berry fruity lemon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label i am sleepy relaxation beverage shot berry fruity lemon. Show all posts

Monday, October 08, 2012



RATING: 8.6 OUT OF 10.

     Yesterday, we took a drive down I Am lane to focus on the energy shot that the company offers. Today, we are going to take a closer look at their attempt to formulate a relaxation beverage. As always, I greatly looked forward to guzzling this little shot down and hoped that it would cause some serious sluggishness. Did it succeed in doing so? It's time for you to find out.

     I Am Sleepy is packaged in a very similar fashion to its energy counterpart, utilizing the same fonts and style. Although there is no flavor listed on the label, a closer examination will determine that the last ingredient is natural lemon flavor. Despite this, I did not detect any lemon flavor. Then again, taste is subjective, so you may happen to notice a substantial amount of lemon. As for me, I received a delightful amalgamation of various fruits and berries. What's interesting is that most of these relaxation shots actually have a relaxing flavor, and this is another example. The flavor feels calm and collected, not superfluously sweet and overpowering. All things considered, I Am Sleepy is a delectable concoction that was pleasing to the palate.

     The main ingredient in just about every relaxation beverage is melatonin. Each bottle of I Am Sleepy contains 3 milligrams of melatonin, but it also includes a plethora of other ingredients designed to promote relaxation. As a matter of fact, there are 2,420 milligrams worth of other ingredients. This includes chamomile flower, l-tryptophan, lemon balm aerial parts, passionflower vines, gamma-aminobutyric acid, hops flower, and l-theanine. As soon as I was finished perusing the ingredients that were listed, I instantaneously knew that this formulation would certainly do the trick.

     As it turns out, my prediction proved to be accurate. Within the initial thirty minutes after consuming the beverage, I was slowly hit with the feeling of relaxation and tiredness. The next hour, I became even more sluggish and decided to call it quits. The very instant my head came in contact with the soft cotton pillow, I immediately fell into a deep and restful sleep. I woke up about as refreshed as any college freshman could possibly be. As a matter of fact, I actually ended up rising before my alarm went off. As I predicted earlier, this little shot certainly put me in a relaxed state of mind.

     When I take a step back and soak in all of the great qualities of I Am Sleepy, I begin to realize just how fantastic this product is. It successfully hits all the right notes of a fabulous relaxation shot. The flavor is sweet and subtle, with hints of berry and fruit. Its relaxation blend provides an adequate amount of melatonin, as well as a plethora of other ingredients. Not to mention, this shot provides a phenomenal effect. If you happen to locate one of these fine specimens at any convenience store, please do me a favor and purchase it. Just don't consume it before you drive a vehicle or operate machinery. Imagine trying to explain that one after an accident.


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