Thursday, September 16, 2010




Arizona Beverage Companies latest trek down the energy drink isle resulted in the Arizona Energy Low Carb. I tried the regular version of this yesterday and I really liked the taste. Will sucralose affect the taste of this fruity drink? Actually, yes it did. The flavor is still that lovely mix of pear, apple, mango, and peach but with the aftertaste of sucralose. In my opinion, the sucralose ruins the flavor. But hey, it's a low carb drink so I don't expect it to taste like the original drink. If you are watching your waistline and sugar intake, the 20 calories, 6 grams of sugar and 6 grams of total carbohydrates should fit the bill. And who knows? You might like this version better than the original one. I liked Monster Lo-Carb better than Monster Original. Alright, now we must move on to the energy enhancing ingredients list. Per can this has  200 percent daily value of vitamin b6, 200 percent daily value if vitamin b12, 200 milligrams of vitamin b5, 2,000 milligrams of taurine, 200 milligrams of caffeine, 200 milligrams of l-carnitine, 200 milligrams of panax ginseng extract, 200 milligrams of inositol, 200 milligrams of guarana extract, 200 milligrams of glucuronolactone, and 70 milligrams of milk thistle. Including the b vitamins, this 15 ounce drink tops out at at 3,282 milligrams and 11 energy inducing ingredients. I would say those are some pretty nice looking numbers. The caffeine content is 40 milligrams higher than a regular Monster. Ok, onto the kick. Unfortunately, it appears I am suffering from a minor cold so this review may not be accurate, but I am too darn impatient to not review this drink today. My suggestion is to buy some, try some, and tell me what you think in the comment section below. Now, this drink did take a while to kick in, and despite the small cold it did work fairly well. I was still a little tired but Arizona Energy Low Carb did a nice job of warding some of it off. It lasted maybe 3 hours without a crash. I think overall I would pick the original Arizona Energy. But that's my opinion. Go out and try the low carb and tell me what you think. 8 out of 10.


  1. addicted to this ... I can't believe what it does to my energy ... thru the roof

  2. So far this is my favorite of all energy drinks. Taste great, and not overly sweet like 99 percent of all low carb drinks i've tried. I don't buy into the zero carbs as advertized in the 99 percent of the other low carb drinks, but Arizona low carb energy drink actually makes me feel good, not the bloated feel from all the hidden sugars they don't tell you about. I like Arizona low carb. 9 out of 10. So far the superior energy drink.

    1. I think you're right about some products and their hidden sugars, For example when I take bsn endorush xtreme strength, and work out and eat right I don't seem to lose weight but when I take AZ energy lo carb, eat right and excercise I lose weight. I ran out of some yesterday so since I already had my BSN drink I had that instead, I gained 2 lbs when I weighed myself today which ticked me off, From now on AZ all the way, it makes you go to the bathroom too but NOT diarrhea which is good, that's how you'll get a toned stomach faster by getting rid of all that excess waste.

      Thank you for telling me about hidden sugars, if a product says their sugar free I thought it was really sugar free, not sure what all BSN properiety blend means but I'm never buying that particular product again for energy, Now when I work out and want that good pump. I'll use their NO XPLODE pre trainer igniter but for energy, AZ Lo CARB all the way!!!

  3. yeah, i know what you mean about the bloated feeling. Glad to hear your thoughts. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I love this!
    I get amped easy and this comez on nice and stays a long wile with out jacking me all up. The best part, its mostly natural! I like the taist, love the energy and no crash.

  5. I love this drink and as a matter of face, going to the 99 cent store to buy a case. I lose weight with this drink, I'm also working out and eating right. I take BSN bsn endorush xtreme strength and idk ieven though it's claims its sugar free I'm not losing any weight but that AZ energy lo carb taste good, gives me good energy and most important losing weight, I'm ditching the expensive crap and going with AZ from now on.


Let me know what YOU think about this product!


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