Tuesday, October 19, 2010



RATING: 6.9 OUT OF 10.

It seems like these healthy energy drinks are becoming more and more prominent. Here we have EX Slim, the low calorie, low carb, and sugar free version of EX Pure. I remember when I first tried EX Pure and I recall that I could not pinpoint the flavor. It's the same with this one. Basically, if you like the flavor of Kombucha Tea, you will like this. What does this drink taste like? I couldn't really tell you. It is sweetened with Sucralose and the flavor was thankfully not overwhelmed by the artificial sweetener. The overall flavor isn't really sweet. It's sort of like Verve, only it doesn't have that carrot juice flavor. Since this is a healthy energy drink, I expected it to have some quality energy boosting ingredients. It has 83 percent daily value of vitamin c, 74 percent daily value of vitamin b3, 83 percent daily value of vitamin b6, 41 precent daily value of folic acid, 50 percent daily value of vitamin b5, 300 milligrams of kombucha tea extract, 80 milligrams of natural caffeine, and 50 milligrams of panax ginseng root extract. I like the vitamin c, although I wish it had 100 percent daily value instead of 83 percent, and I like the addition of kombucha. But what is Kombucha? According to the can, Kombucha is an ancient healthy food culture containing organic acids, probiotics, acids and enzymes that helps your body find its natural balance, which promotes overall well-being. So there you have it. Now let's move on to the kick. I have a high tolerance for caffeine so I did not expect a lot from 80 milligrams of caffeine. Shortly after drinking the contents of the can, I started to feel less tired. I was still a bit lethargic, but EX Slim took off that edge so I could be awakened. The buzz had no real peak or crash and it was at a low to mid-level. Overall, EX Slim is a decent energy drink. It has a palatable flavor, a nice little blend, and a decent boost. 6.9 out of 10.

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