RATING: 7.9 OUT OF 10.
While I was surfing the Internet I noticed an energy drink called 24:7 and I wondered where I could find it. As it turns out, this drink is sold exclusively at Walgreens and you can get for around 2 dollars. 24:7 has the most basic can I have ever seen. The only things that are on the can are the name, the nutrition facts, and the ingredients. I cracked open the green and black can and got a whiff of Red Bull. Yep, it's a Red Bull clone but it also has somewhat of a sweet tart type flavor. Not a very unique drink but nonetheless it did taste pretty good. So, the energy ingredients include 160 milligrams of caffeine, 2,000 milligrams of taurine, glucoronolactone, and vitamin b3. The drink does not list the amount of taurine on the can but since it is a generic brand I would guess that it would have around 2,000 milligrams. The caffeine content is also not listed on the can but energyfiend.com says it has 160 milligrams of it. Anyway, 24:7 takes a long time to kick it, but when it does, it ain't bad, it's actually pretty good. So, I had a pleasant experience with 24:7 and I expect to review more flavors in the future so stay tuned. Rating? 7.9 out of 10 because I could live without the Red Bull and sweet tart flavor.
This drink is so stuiped,its over priced and tastes like crap and has the worste blend ever.BUT every time I see that can I have to get one,its so appealing.Its more of a monster clone not red bull.
ReplyDeleteI know. But like you said, I have to review it.