Saturday, October 30, 2010



RATING: 7.6 OUT OF 10.

Vuka's line-up of functional drinks has done well thus far. Let's see if my 190th review has a good rating. Vuka Renew comes in a light green, solid aluminum bottle. When I untwist the cap and take a sip, my taste buds are greeted with a lightly carbonated mixture of mango and peach. It does have some bitterness in my opinion. The flavor is unique but not the tastiest drink I have ever had. It also gave me cottonmouth, something I don't enjoy getting from energy drinks. Like I have stated many times before, each Vuka flavor has different ingredients depending on what formula it is. This is Renew, so it has the following energy boosting ingredients: 200 percent daily value of vitamin b3, 200 percent daily value of vitamin b5, 200 percent daily value of vitamin b6, 200 percent daily value of vitamin b12, 2,000 milligrams of taurine, 160 milligrams of caffeine, 100 milligrams of d-ribose, 100 milligrams of panax ginseng root extract, and 50 milligrams of grape seed extract. The ingredient that is unique to the rest of the line-up is d-ribose. According to wikipedia, d-ribose is "an organic compound with formula C5H10O5; specifically a monosaccharide (simple sugar) with linear form H-(C=O)-(CHOH)4-H, which has all the hydroxyl groups on the same side in the Fischer projection." In simpler, less confusing terms, it is a simple sugar. The purpose of Vuka Renew is too restore energy levels at a time during the day when you need a second wind. Say your morning coffee buzz is wearing off and you are starting to get sleepy again. I tried Vuka Renew simply because I wanted to. I didn't really need a second wind, I was only tired. This delivered an average kick in the pants that lasted about 4 hours. I can see why someone would use this as an afternoon pick-me-up. Overall, this is a pretty good product. 7.6 out of 10.

1 comment:

  1. Just an FYI: In its natural form, Ribose in an energy source produced by the body from food. As an additive it is used to improve athletic performance and to fight fatigue. Hardly just a simple sugar, it had a great purpose!


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