RATING: 7.9 OUT OF 10.
This drink is one of those beverages that are somewhere in between a functional beverage and an energy enhancing product. It has b vitamins, coenzyme q10, and I believe there is some gingko biloba in there as well. But it also has some crazy plant extracts and I believe some fish (don't ask me why). This drink comes in a 32 ounce bottle but you only need an ounce of liquid. Liquimax made things easy by making the cap to the product one ounce. So I poured myself a shot of this energy enhancing product/functional beverage and....it's not that bad at all. Have you ever had those 100% fruit drinks that do not taste sugary at all? That's kind of what this tasted like. It was very natural and I could tell they were using quality fruits in the drink. The fruits consists if Goji, Mangosteen, Acai, Pomegranate, etc. Ok, now for the energy enhancing ingredients. This drink has 3 or 4 b vitamins ranging anywhere from 100 percent to over 200 percent of your daily value. I also spied some gingko biloba leaf extract and a whole bunch of other extracts. I will have to give this drink props for having so much ingredients packed into one ounce of liquid. And it still tasted good which is really quite amazing. As for the boost of energy, I took this before I got started on my Math. Liquimax did a good job powering me through my session of geometry and I felt a nice middle-of-the-road boost from Liquimax. It was certaintly nothing special but it was not too shabby. So, with all things considered, I will give this drink a 7.9 out of 10.
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