Ok, this is my review of Verve Sugar Free. When I reviewed the original Verve I had massive problems trying to figure out the taste but this time I really concentrated on what it tasted like. To me, Verve Sugar Free tasted a bit like a very carbonated carrot juice and it had a "healthy" taste to it. It was very unique and very carbonated but also surprisingly tasty. Any Verve Sugar Free didn't taste much different much the original. Verve Sugar Free markets themselves as the insanely healthy energy drink. So it has tons of vitamins, 1,000 milligrams of taurine, 200 milligrams of guarana seed extract which yields 80 milligrams of caffeine, 50 milligrams of inositol, along with a plethora of amino acids and minerals. The energy I got from Verve Sugar Free was surprising. It was rather nice and it woke me up for first hour and it lasted until around 4th hour. So I had plenty of energy to get through some of my tougher classes like Conceptual Physics. I sometimes like to compare drinks like these to Red Bull because they are the same size can but Verve Sugar Free is far from being a Red Bull Clone. Nonetheless, Verve Sugar Free kicks the crap out of Red Bull in both taste and kick. I have never been a fan of the ever-so-popular energy drink and I only gave it a 6 out of 10 on this blog. So, to conclude, Verve Sugar Free gets an 8 out of 10.