Showing posts with label nos energy drink. 260 milligrams of caffeine. powerful big 16 ounce can. blue cool logo must get. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nos energy drink. 260 milligrams of caffeine. powerful big 16 ounce can. blue cool logo must get. Show all posts

Monday, May 25, 2009



RATING: 7.8 OUT OF 10.

This is the most caffeine I have ever tried in an energy drink. NOS Energy Drink has an incredible 260 milligrams of caffeine. So, at first NOS tasted like a Red Bull clone but after tasting it some more, I realized it is more of a carbonated sour orange juice. Now, this does sound pretty disgusting but it actually was pretty good. I drank it pretty fast, hoping I would get a good kick out of it. The kick is a little hard to describe but it is not really a bouncing-off-the-walls type kick you would expect from an energy drink with 260 milligrams of caffeine. There are a few reasons why the kick wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. The first reason is that the overall energy drink blend is less than average energy drinks. The average energy drink has a 3000 milligram energy blend were as NOS has just 1480 milligrams. The second reason is that I have become immune to the effects if caffeine which can be reversed by staying away from anything with caffeine for a week. I will also point out that NOS has a kick that almost goes gets better as you go on. It starts out slow and then gets better and better and better. This did not come without a price as I got a major headache which really was bothering me until I took some Ibuprofen. In a nutshell, I would describe the NOS kick as sort of a slight pick me up that gets better as you go. If you threw in a little physical exercise you would be pretty much good to go. So, to conclude I give the NOS energy drink a 7.8 out of 10 because I am being nice about the headache and I liked the taste. The kick did fall short but it does get better as you go on and as a bonus, there is no crash!


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