RATING: 8.5 OUT OF 10.
Venom Energy Drink is the one of the only energy drink companies I know that have the thick aluminum bottles. The Killer Taipan, which is a mango flavor, is one of the two newest flavors of the Venom line-up. So, as for taste, right on the can it says Mango so I knew what to expect. I twisted off the lid and took a sip. Yep, it's definitely mango but a different sort of mango. As a matter of fact, I looked at the can again and saw that it said Venom Energy Plus Mango. And that is exactly what it tasted like: Venom Energy (A slightly different Red Bull Clone) and mango. Onward to the energy enhancing ingredients. In one 16.9 ounce bottle this venomous beast has 3.59125 milligrams of riboflavin, 42.25 milligrams of niacin, 4.225 milligrams of vitamin b6, 12.675 micrograms of vitamin b12, 422.5 milligrams of ginseng extract, and a 6,377.5 milligram energy blend consisting of: taurine, l-carnitine, caffeine, guarana, inositol, glucuronolactone, and maltodextrin. All together that is 12 energy enhancing ingredients and 6,810.078925 milligrams. That is quite a bit if I do say so myself. Ok, time for the kick. I would have to say that this drink gave me a decent boost of energy. It was jittery free and mild all the way through. It woke me up, that's for sure, but other that that it is just a smooth C or C+ kick. Well, there you have it. My review of the Venom Killer Taipan Energy Drink. Rating? 8.5 out of 10.