Well, my my 42nd review I thought it would be good to try Steaz Energy Shots. Steaz is 100% organic and they have just recently came out with an energy shot. Based on the color of the liquid and the fact that it says green tea, I was expecting a concentrated tea flavor. That is exactly what I got and you have got to slam this drink. It is certainly not the greatest thing I have tasted, but then again it's an energy shot so I wouldn't expect it to. What exactly is in Steaz energy shot? Well besides having 150 milligrams of natural caffeine, you also have 1,250% of Vitamin c, 2,000% of Vitamin b6, 100% of folic acid, 8,333% of Vitamin B12, and a 1,600 milligram blend of organic green tea, acai, yerba mate, and guarana. So, I was expecting a great kick and is that what I got? Well, sort of. The kick was a nice pick me up but it really didn't motivate me to do anything. All it did was wake me up. Man I am so ready for my 50th review on this blog. I haven't told you this before, but for my 50th review, I will be reviewing Wired X-344. Wired X-344 is the second most powerful 16 ounce energy drink ever made. But we are not here to talk about Wired X-344, are we? No, we are here to talk about Steaz Energy Shot and I am here to give it a 7 out of 10. The good thing is that Steaz Energy Shot doesn't market themselves as an extreme energy shot. This is more of a shot to get you focused and ready for whatever. However, it still gets a 7 out of 10 because of the bad taste.