RATING: 8.6 OUT OF 10.
Almost all of us have been to a Starbucks and some of us have even ordered the Cinnamon Dulce. But what if Starbucks made an energy drink? What if one of their flavors was Cinnamon Dulce? Well, than you would have Starbucks Doubleshot Cinnamon Dulce. There are a lot of coffee based energy drinks out there such as Monster Java, Rockstar Roasted, and Starbucks Doubleshot. Starbucks Doubleshot differs from Monster Java and Rockstar Roasted because the coffee flavor is much more noticeable. It isn't just coffee flavored milk. It is richer and a delicious aftertaste of iced coffee lingers for a while. It might not be Cinnamon Dulce, but it certainly is delicious. Starbucks Doubleshot also has some key energy enhancing ingredients such as 2,000 milligrams of maltodextrin, 1,800 milligrams of taurine, 450 milligrams of l-carnitine, 180 milligrams of inositol, 325 milligrams of panax ginseng, and 90 milligrams of guarana. The caffeine content is not listed on the can but energyfiend.com tells us that it has 146 milligrams per 15 ounce can. The kick is also pretty good. It works fast and lasts for a pretty long time. Once again I took it before school started and once again it got me through my tougher classes. To conclude, Starbucks Doubleshot Cinnamon Dulce tastes great, has a good energy list and delivers a nice kick. Rating? 8.6 out of 10.