RATING: 8.4 OUT OF 10.
So it looks like I am only 1 or 2 reviews away from having a total of 80 reviews. Anyway the product that I am going to review today is called Pit Bull Peanut Caramel Crunch. In case you don't know, Pit Bull is an energy bar with caffeine, taurine, guarana, ginseng, and b vitamins. Not only is it a true energy bar but it also tastes good as well. I am not going to write a whole lot about the taste because the name sort of describes the taste. However I forgot to mention that it is covered in chocolate. It sort of reminded me of a flattened out Snickers bar only not quite as good tasting. So it looks like Pit Bull Peanut Caramel Crunch has 21.1 milligrams of niacin, 5 milligrams of vitamin b6, 6 micrograms of vitamin b12, 5.1 milligrams of pantothenic acid, 1,000 milligrams of taurine, 164 milligrams of caffeine, 112 milligrams of guarana seed, 100 milligrams of inositol and 50 milligrams of ginseng root. Not a bad energy list and it definitely did the trick. I had the bar on the way to school and I was focused and alert throughout the whole day. I would totally recommend a Pit Bull Energy Bar over a Clif Energy Bar any day. For more information on Pit Bull Energy Bar click here. Otherwise it gets an 8.4 out of 10.