RATING: 6.1 OUT OF 10.
For my next review, I will be reviewing a drink called Liquid Lightning Sugar Free. Liquid Lightning is one of those drinks that looks like a Red Bull clone but isn't. It has the generic name, the small 250 milliliter can, and the somewhat-basic design. Liquid Lightning Sugar Free tasted pretty decent but it wasn't amazing by any means. It was a berry flavor mixed with Red Bull and it gives you a sticky mouth feeling. So, It tasted decent but what's in it? Well, it has 125 milligrams of vitamin c, 1 milligram of vitamin b2, 34 milligrams of vitamin b3, 9 milligrams of vitamin b6, 26 micrograms of vitamin b12, 10 milligrams of vitamin b5, 104 milligrams of caffeine, and a proprietary blend consisting of tuarine, glucuronolactone, ribose, inositol, panax ginseng extract, and potassium citrate. Not a bad list but it could be better. Liquid Lightning Sugar Free delivered a pretty decent kick but nothing major. It lasted for maybe 2 hours and 30 minutes. Overall I am giving Liquid Lightning Sugar Free a rating of 6.1 out of 10. Sorry for the really short review but I didn't have much to say about this drink.