RATING: 7.9 OUT OF 10.
So this is the blue agave flavor of Full Throttle Energy Drink. I think I will start by pointing out that there is no agave in this drink at all. It just good, fake, agave flavor. When I poured this drink in a cup, I noticed it was a lovely blue color with a very slight purple tint. This drink has a classic sweet tart taste that is similar to most energy drinks. It is very sweet and has a sour bite to it as well. Full Throttle has a 3,000 milligram energy blend consisting of guarana extract, ginseng extract, caffeine, taurine, and a couple other ingredients as well as a nice amount of b vitamins. The caffeine content is 141 milligrams per 16 ounce can. The kick this thing gives off is also pretty good. It works fast and does a nice job keeping you alert through a boring session of speed shopping. The kick lasts about 3 hours and 30 minutes which is average. Overall, I will give Full Throttle Blue Demon a rating of 7.9 out of 10. And since this review is quite short, I will tell you what drinks I will be reviewing in the future. Well, tomorrow I am going to review Venom Death Adder and if I ever get samples I will be reviewing Slap and Go Fast.