RATING: 9.1 OUT OF 10.
This is the 4th and final flavor of the 2010 Ammo Energy Shots. The flavor of Extreme Sport is fruit punch, so I expected a red colored liquid. As a matter of fact, the color I got was a pinkish red that reminded me more of pink lemonade than fruit punch. When I took a sip, I has hit with a pleasing, yet mild, fruit punch flavor. The flavor was light and very refreshing. With a name like Extreme Sport, I knew there had to be something different in the ingredients. When I first looked, there really wasn't anything that stuck out. And then I saw it. Creatine. Yes, creatine is the special ingredient in Ammo Extreme Sport. Not only will you find creatine, but also b vitamins and 171 milligrams of caffeine. I've told you this before, but I will tell you again. Ammo is the third most concentrated energy shot available. Only 5150 Juice and Fixx Extreme Ultra Shot are more concentrated. Like I always say, there is a reason you shouldn't drink Ammo by itself. Here is a quick analogy to let you know why. Consider a Crystal Light To-Go Ice Tea Packet. Yes, it is safe to simply eat the powder, but it is much better to dissolve it in a bottle of water. The same concept applies to Ammo. Moving on now, to the kick. Like always, I got a nice boost from Ammo and the shot perked me up quite nicely without any jitters. Overall, Ammo really is a great product. In fact, based on the overall rating of all 4 flavors, it is one of my favorite drinks. I love how it is so versatile. You could make any drink an energy drink. Turn Sprite into Super Sprite, or turn Club Soda into Fun Soda. Ammo, I say you should go and give yourselves a pat on the back. Nicely done, gentlemen! 9.1 out of 10