RATING: 9.7 OUT OF 10!!!
So, after waiting only a couple days for my free 12 pack of 5 Hour Energy, I will finally be able to review the world's most popular energy shot. Ok, so I poured the little 2 ounce shot into a glass and what came out looked somewhat like water with a pink hue. I proceeded to slam the 2 ounces and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It tasted like berry flavored cough syrup, only less thick and without that horrible aftertaste. As a matter of fact, after I slammed the 2 ounces, I went to the sink to wash out my mouth, but I realized that there was no aftertastes so I didn't need to. So, before I get to the kick, what exactly is in this 5 Hour Energy. Well, it has 2,000% of Vitamin B6, 8,333% of Vitamin B12 and a 1,870 milligram energy blend consisting of Tuarine, Glucuronolactone, Malic Acid, N-Acetyl, L-Tyrosine, L-Phenylalanine, Caffeine, and Citicoline. Quite an extensive list if you ask me. The caffeine content is 200 milligrams. Finally, we can go onto the kick. I slammed 5 Hour Energy before a workout and this stuff is where its at! I wasn't that tired after my workout and I was energized for 5 hours, maybe more! There claim of 5 hours of energy is definitely true. I have had a total of 4 energy shots and I have to say this is the best one, by a long shot. I didn't feel jittery and thankfully I didn't get a Niacin Flush, which is what some people get from drinking 5 Hour Energy. If this was an energy drink, I would give it a 9. but since its an energy shot, and its not supposed to taste good, I give it a 9.7. Oh yes, which means the extra strength version might go up to 10! This was a very long review but 5 Hour Energy receives a well deserved 9.7.