RATING: 7.6 OUT OF 10.
Archer Farms is Target's private label and from what I hear, they have an energy drink so I went to target and picked up a can for $1.79. The flavor I picked up was Tropical which is a mix of mango, peach, pineapple, and pear juices. To me, it tasted like carbonated pineapple juice with some hints of mango. Actually, I wasn't the biggest fan of Archer Farms Tropical but if you love pineapple juice, give this drink a try. I am not saying the drink tasted bad, I am simply saying that I have had energy drinks that taste better than this. So, per each 12 ounce can you get 70 milligrams of caffeine, 90 milligrams of panax ginseng root extract, and 10 milligrams of tuarine along with a healthy amount of vitamins. I really like how Archer Farms is taking a healthy approach to energy drinks. It even has 40 percent real fruit juices! But enough dilly dally onto the kick. Well, it perked up a little but nothing major. Then again, it only has 70 milligrams of caffeine which is the same of a Vault. However, Archer Farms is more of a health energy drink than a full out energy drink. And that is where Archer Farms shines the most: healthy. It gives you a lot of vitamins with none of those ridiculous amounts of vitamin b12 like some drinks have. Unfortunately, Archer Farms does have its weaknesses to go along with its strengths. And that's why it gets a 7.6 out of 10.