This truly is one Mean Bean! I acquired the Java Monster Mean Bean on Thursday and drank it Saturday morning at around 9:40. The first sip I took didn't exactly help me in finding the taste but after drinking it some more I realized it is a very smooth vanilla latte flavor with no medicinal aftertaste at all. This drink is 15 ounces, 1 ounce less than the normal energy drink size. So, at first I was simply pleased with the kick, until it really kicked in. I started playing some basketball and then got the urge to run around my house a few times and do some suicides. As a matter of fact, I was so energized that I ran a 5k (3.1 miles) on my treadmill-my new record! This is a great, no fantastic alternative to the morning coffee or tea. It has 160 milligrams and a bunch if other stuff but I can't get past simply how long it lasted! It has been 5 hours since I drank it and it still feels like someone stuck pins in my eyelids to keep them from closing. And to think that this drink has absolutely no medicinal aftertaste and all really makes me want to just give this drink an award! I forgot to mention before that after the 5k I felt fine, I was just sweating. I could have ran around 4 or maybe even 5 miles before I really got tired. This drink, for now, has the longest most consistent kick I have ever had. I just can't comprehend how long this has lasted! I know I have said this before but dang it I will say it again. this drink is down right amazing! And I forgot to say that this drink sits wonderfully in your stomach. Ok, finally I will conclude this by giving it a rating! Drum roll please.................10 out of 10!!!!! Yes, Java Monster is one of if not the best energy drink out there. Of course I don't know that for sure since I have a lot more to try but it will be very hard to beat this beast of a drink! I know that my fingers aren't shaking but it was the combination of taste and kick consistency that just mad me happy! Wow that was the longest review of my life, but it is finally over. Or is it?