This is my review of the Blue Sky Blue Energy drink. This wonderful 8.3 ounce can contains a good 80 milligrams of caffeine. I actually had no idea this drink was that easy to find, but I saw it at Meijer and was like what the heck I'll try it. So at around 11:00 in the morning I cracked open the blue can and got a whiff of the classic energy drink smell. The smell of artificial berry. The drink says it is wild berry in flavor but they are so wrong. It is the classic Red Bull artificial berry flavor with a slight bitter aftertaste. Delicious! This drink goes down very well and the aftertaste stays in your mouth for a while. At first I thought, oh boy here we go again. another non-working energy drink. Then I had an idea. I went downstairs and ran 1 mile on the treadmill....with no music. And let me tell you something, that was the easiest mile I ever ran. But I wasn't done yet, so I ran outside and shot some baskets. Then I ran around my house a few times and wham! This thing starts to work and increases your stamina. Maybe I was exaggerating on the "wham" part but you get what I'm saying. I figured out why the XS gold didn't work. It's because you kind of have to "make it work" buy getting involved in some physical activity which is why I would wanna drink won of these babies before I go to crew. It is 1:18 P.M. now and the effects are slowly dying off. I should crash at roughly 2:00. Don't get me wrong, 3 hours of energy is pretty good and I would recommend it to someone who might not be able to make it through the full 16 ounce energy drink. So, all things considered, I will give this this drink a healthy 7.7 out of 10 because the taste could be a little better and the kick could be better too. In order for a drink to get a 10 out of 10, the drink must taste fantastic and have a bouncing-off-the-walls type kick. Blue Energy simply fails to do that but hey, it's only a 8.3 ounce can give it a break will ya! And as far as I can see, 7.7 out of 10 is alright with me!